25 August 2006

9. cybernetic madonna in germany

This is the English translation of “cybernetic Madonna in deutschland” posted at 22. August 2006 on this blog.

Don’t she looks like an angel ;)

Madonna is on tour in Germany! This afternoon you can see Madonna in Hanover. I was at Sunday in Düsseldorf. If you want to see what makes up a mistress of communication then you should visit Hanover tonight.

Madonna gets my full attention a year ago at work. I was at this time enhancing a system to learn intuitive and reflexive cybernetics. An Idea of mine was to find out people who act cybernetic but didn’t know that. This people do cybernetics in a pure uncut super economic way, because their model of the world mostly base on experience and not on heavy overrated theories. At this time of I know Madonna as a Popstar (I grew up with her), though she get more and more my attention. I order a Madonna-DVD, I buy biographical books about her, and I seek through the net to find more details about her … WOW! Madonna is a cyberneticist out and out … mistress in apply cybernetic principles!

Madonna causes Andy (my business partner) and me to speak and make a lecture about her cybernetics on the World Congress of Cybernetics in Vienna at November 2006! I hope that I can contact Madonna an we could work together on project with and on cybernetics. I think that would be a big value and win for both sides. It would be topless if I can contact her in the near future, so she can visit the congress or better speak with us about her applied cybernetics. I work on it ….

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