29 August 2006

11. So for what?

If you ask “Why?”, you use the past to describe the present. If you ask “For what?” or “What for?”, you imagine the future to shrink the present! Why shrink? If you construct objectives, you discard other options! So for what we do that? If we describe the present we don’t act in the present. If we imagine future and find out objectives we shrink the present, and act in a limited manner. That’s not satisfying at all!

And now, what can we do? I say just do! You don’t need any objectives, because every objective is in you! Every complex system can perceive only what is in the system – the boundaries of perception are closed for any complex system! Thus the human being is a complex system from the view of cybernetics, every person can perceive only what is in and not what is out. There can’t get any idea from your environment into you – every idea you understand is your own! Every objective you figure out is a way of self-reflection that emanates what is immanent. If you ask “Why?”, you don’t find anything new. The only thing you do is to weight you current perception of the present. That makes you more immobile! If you ask for the future, you shrink your perception of you current options and that makes you immobile too! Both, thinking in past or thinking in future cut you richness, cut you options, cut you potential, cut you life.

But what can you do? Just do! Everybody can learn to trust in his unconsciousness. Honestly, the part of your self that manage your life and takes you to your wishes, goals, to your fulfilment is never and never your conscious understanding of your self – it is the much bigger, much more powerful unconscious part of you. If you trust in that part of you, you trust in your self! If you don’t trust in you unconscious and try to manage all with conscious decisions, you don’t trust your self – and that will never work!

The next question is, how we can force and cultivate our unconscious part, our intuition? One very simple and effective way is: Just do – and in every step you take, reduce your conscious decisions. By degrees you will forget what time in common sense is and realize that you do and do up to infinity! This doing will unfold your full potential and in addition to you, you environment will get the most of you!

Try it! Do it!

26 August 2006

10. Master Lee said: Self-expression is …

“Self-expression is total, immediate, without conception of time, and you can only express that if you are free, physically and mentally, from fragmentation.”
Bruce Lee

Fragmentation! If you can reverse a distinction, if you can make it undone, you will be unchained from fragmentation, become freer, thus get much more power and force! That’s the law of form.

25 August 2006

9. cybernetic madonna in germany

This is the English translation of “cybernetic Madonna in deutschland” posted at 22. August 2006 on this blog.

Don’t she looks like an angel ;)

Madonna is on tour in Germany! This afternoon you can see Madonna in Hanover. I was at Sunday in Düsseldorf. If you want to see what makes up a mistress of communication then you should visit Hanover tonight.

Madonna gets my full attention a year ago at work. I was at this time enhancing a system to learn intuitive and reflexive cybernetics. An Idea of mine was to find out people who act cybernetic but didn’t know that. This people do cybernetics in a pure uncut super economic way, because their model of the world mostly base on experience and not on heavy overrated theories. At this time of I know Madonna as a Popstar (I grew up with her), though she get more and more my attention. I order a Madonna-DVD, I buy biographical books about her, and I seek through the net to find more details about her … WOW! Madonna is a cyberneticist out and out … mistress in apply cybernetic principles!

Madonna causes Andy (my business partner) and me to speak and make a lecture about her cybernetics on the World Congress of Cybernetics in Vienna at November 2006! I hope that I can contact Madonna an we could work together on project with and on cybernetics. I think that would be a big value and win for both sides. It would be topless if I can contact her in the near future, so she can visit the congress or better speak with us about her applied cybernetics. I work on it ….

8. the options of options

This is the English translation of “die auswahl an auswahl” posted at 18. August 2006 on this blog.

If we do something it will have effect. If we thinking about something it will have a effect too. An interesting question is, if it is possible to reverse the effect, if it is possible to make the effect undone. I think it is neither reversible nor possible to make it undone. If our doing take effect, it is impossible to reverse it. If we think something, we can’t make it “un-thought”. Which consequence would this have to us?

The consequence of the that we can not reverse our thoughts is the fact, that the options to apply and do things, which depends on our thought and are the partial results of our thoughts are not reversible too! The things that are on my mind define the options of my acting, of my ability to take effect. Among other things our thoughts and the things in our mind set the frame of seeing my possibilities to act and take effect if I want to act. Further our thoughts and the things on mind imitate our doing, our actions and effects, so they are the cause of our doing in conscious and unconscious ways. For example, if I think that my girlfriend cheat me, maybe I have the idea to take her handy to check, if there is any number I don’t know and that could be from her potential lover. Other example: If I think, that on the a party tonight there is chance to meet a old good friend that I’ve not seen for a long time, the party tonight becomes an option, even though I was far away from going to this party until I heard that my old friend comes to that party too. Thus our mind and our thoughts take impact and effect on the options of actions we can do next. Further these options of actions cause mostly our next action! So nobody life in this world and has the full amount of his personal options of actions and his whole potential in every moment on his mind and in his awareness. We use in every moment a small set of our options and the boundaries of this set are construct by our thoughts and our mindset at this moment.

The Frame, so the “options of options to act”, are ruled by our conscious and unconscious thoughts. If I talk about thoughts I don’t mean “speaking in mind”, I define “thoughts” as the way we are aware about our self and our environment in a special moment. Repeating sentences in our mind are maybe part of this awareness but the self-awareness and awareness of our environment in a special moment is much bigger than sentences in our mind. Though I don’t mean if I talk about thoughts our complete and full potential to be aware of our self and our environment – thoughts in a special moment don’t represent our complete “model” of the world. Here an example: Imagine someone is talented in hearing and playing classic music. The same person loves, understands and plays rock music too. This person loves ice cream and plays very good tennis. Imagine this person comes one day on the tennis-court and in his range of vision there stands Aggasi, Mozart, Jimy Handrix and the iceman. You can be sure and assume that this person at least don’t see minimum one of this persons of his interest and he won’t know how to act and take effect with minimum one of these persons. Even the cause of this is, that the person I describe above has conscious and unconscious thoughts that rules his perception, his relations and effects to himself and his world.

24 August 2006

7. the hypothesis

This is the English translation of “die hypothese” posted at 29. July 2006 on this blog.

There are human behaviour studies that said that people tend to quickly fortify any perception by a hypothesis. Further it seems to be not easy to disprove this hypothesis by other persons. The first hypothesis is the strongest one! Personal hypothesis helps people to make things personally “come true”. Hypothesis helps us to “determine” our perception, means make the perception “real” and “truth” so it can survive the moment and become our personal fact.

How I did said above, it is very hard to disprove a persons first hypothesis about something. If you can disprove and give an alternative description of the perception that was determine by the old hypothesis, in the most cases the person use the new description, explanation or statement about his perception to reconstruct his first hypothesis and determine it in the old way! Nothing changes!

So what’s the implication of this phenomenon? So for what are descriptions, explanations and statements of perceptions? Can an explanations or descriptions describe and transport something or do they fortify and confirm something? If they can describe something we can leave and use our common understanding of descriptions and explanations. But if descriptions and explanations fortify and confirm our hypothesis and else can’t describe anything, everything will be change. The consequence would be that everything that we know and realize base on our hypothesis or in other word base on our beliefs!

I think that our beliefs make us knowing and gave as the ability to apply and do. All what we know, what we can do, all our capabilities, all the options to take effect in our world comes from and base on our personal beliefs. It seems, that all our descriptions and explanations helps us personally to make our beliefs survive the moment. They are something like “time bridges” that help us to belief tomorrow the “same” as today so we can apply and do what we belief.

6. reality and truth

This is the English translation of “Realität und Wahrheit” posted at 23. July 2006 on this blog.

What’s about reality? What is real and what is unreal? Is that what happens real or is all what happens real. Usually all things that happen and those we perceive as things that happen is reality for us. You can watch the news in television and perceive the content of the news – so you take it for real. In German language you can distinguish between different types of reality. You can use the word “Realität” which have the same meaning as the English word reality. But you can use instead of “Realität” the word “Wirklichkeit”. What’s the difference? “Wirklichkeit” means something like: the room where things take effect! So I want now change the word Reality, which is very abstract and can mean anything, by the word effect. The reality that we can perceive is only the reality that takes effect on our environment and us. So kick off the word reality and use the word effect! Thus everybody has his own effect (reality) that is assembled by all things that

1. he perceive – what means all that what he can take entirely with his inner and outer senses

2. and the effects that follows the perception in 1.

For example if I put my hand on a hot plate, then I perceive or realize the heat on the plate. My sense in my hand perceives the heat. In the same moment I watch, how I put my hand on the hot plate. I can link my visual perception with the heat I fell in my hand. These two perceptions the third perception of pain follows. All three perceptions stay in relation to each other and construct the whole effects that take effect on me. The effect of this is that I take my hand quickly away from the hot plate. This last action completes a part of my reality, a part of my effect. All the things, the plate, my hand, the heat in my hand, the pain, that I see my hand and the relations between this things crate a construct of effect that is part of my personal effect or reality.

If a person observe the situation described above, than he use his visual and auditive senses to perceive the situation. In this moment he will be cause by his perception and will take effect. So he will become part of my effect and I become part of his effect. We share realities or effects!

All causes and effects we are part of and we perceive in conscious or unconscious way is our reality and our truth! Anything we perceive is true for us, because we cannot make our perception undone! So not only our reality is our personal reality, similar the truth is personal truth!

Reality is our personal reality that was assembled of all the things, causes and effects that take an effect on us and we take effect on it.

Everybody do this in the described way. Nobody can do it in an other way. So if you meet somebody, who tells you the he knows what is “THE REALITY” or/and “THE TRUTH” that works for everybody and is the same for everybody, don’t believe him - he is a liar.

5. madonna said: you know I tried … or why this blog turn from german to english.

At Tuesday morning when I was at work, I visited the blog of Madonna. Madonna was on my mind, because I was preparing a lecture about Madonna and Cybernetics and I was on her concert last Sunday in Düsseldorf. So I read the newest post and it was in German! I think “that’s nice …” but the German text was full of mistakes … that’s not uncommon for somebody who is not native in speaking an writing German. German is a very “hard” language with very complex grammar and most of the native speakers have problems with German grammar and spelling! So I write a comment for the post with the corrected German text and Madonna updated her post later with the corrected text. She writes “You know I tried …” and that’s great! Really! She tried and learned! She’s doing just “try&error” – that’s effective and economic – or in other words: that’s Madonna-Cybernetics!

Maybe you realized that my English is not the best! Because of my bad English I began this blog in German – but that s*cks! Why? Because a lot of people in this world don’t speak German and so can’t share with me the sweet taste and power of applied cybernetics. I decided at this morning that I will try and learn. This blog will be turn to English and please correct my English if its wrong. You can write comments to my posts, so I can learn from you better English!

That’s it is. I will translate my previously posts in English, so all the English speaking people can read and understand what was written in this blog in the past.

So far, ….

22 August 2006

4. cybernetic madonna in deutschland

....sieht sie nicht aus wie ein Engel ;)

Madonna ist im Moment auf Tour in Deutschland! Heute Abend ist sie in Hannover zu sehen. Ich selbst war am Sonntag in Düsseldorf. Wer einmal erleben möchte was eine Meisterin der Kommunikation ausmacht, der sollte heute Abend in Hannover vorbeischauen.

Ich selbst bin vor ca. 1 Jahr auf Madonna über meine Arbeit aufmerksam geworden. Ich war gerade dabei ein System zum erlernen intuitiver und reflexartiger angewandter Kybernetik zu erweitern. Eine Idee war, Personen zu finden die kybernetisch handeln und es selbst nicht wissen. Das ist dann „pure uncut cybernetics“, weil diese Menschen ihr Wissen mit keinen Gramm kybernetischer Erklärungsprinzipien beschweren. Madonna kannte ich natürlich als Popstar, aber dann rutschte sie zufälligerweise in meinen Fokus und ich bestellte mir eine DVD, kaufte mir ein paar biographische Bücher und durchstöberte das Netz ..... WOW! Madonna ist Kybernetikerin vom Scheitel bis zur Sohle!

Aus diesem Grund werden Andi und ich in diesem November auf dem Weltkongreß für Kybernetik in Wien über Madonna vortragen! Ich hoffe, dass ich es schaffe einen Kontakt zu Madonna aufzubauen und wir gemeinsam an einem Kybernetik-Projekt arbeiten können. Ich denke das würde uns beide sehr bereichern. Ohne Worte wäre es natürlich, wenn der Kontakt schon so bald zustande käme, dass sie mit uns auf dem Kongress im November sprechen würde. Ich arbeite daran ....

18 August 2006

3. die auswahl an auswahl

Wenn wir etwas tun, dann hat es seine Wirkung. Wenn wir etwas denken dann hat es seine Wirkung. Die Frage ist, ob wir diese Wirkung wieder zurücknehmen können, wieder relativieren können? Ich denke nicht! Sobald wir gewirkt haben, können wir die Wirkung nicht mehr zurücknehmen. Sobald wir etwas gedacht haben, können wir es im nachhinein nicht wieder „ent-dencken“. Was bedeutet das? Welche Konsequenzen hat das?!

Die Konsequenz, dass wir gedachte Gedanken nicht mehr zurücknehmen können, ist diejenige, dass die Handlungsoptionen, die aus dem Gedanken resultieren auch nicht mehr zurückzunehmen sind! Das was mir in den Sinn kommt bestimmt auch die Wahlmöglichkeiten meiner Handlung. Gedanken setzen unter anderem den Rahmen für die Möglichkeiten, die wir sehen, wenn wir handeln möchten. Gedanken initieren auch Handlungen, also bringen uns erst zum handenl. Wenn ich denken, dass mich meine Partnerin betrügt, dann käme ich vielleicht auf die Idee ihr Handy in die Hand zu nehmen, in der Annahme, dass ich vielleicht irgendwelche Nummern finde, die ich nicht kenne und die von einem potentiellen Geliebten stammen könnten. Wenn ich denke, dass ich heute Abend vielleicht einen guten Freund zufällig auf einem Fest treffen könnte, wird der Besuch des Festes zur meiner Handlungsoption – obwohl der Besuch vorher ausgeschlossen war, da es mir noch nicht einmal in den Sinn gekommen wäre daran zu denken – wenn da nicht der gute Freund gewesen wäre. Also unsere Gedanken wirken auf unseren Vorrat an Handlungsmöglichkeiten. Der Vorrat an Handlungsmöglichkeiten wiederum wirkt maßgeblich auf unser Handeln. Denn oft handeln wir aus einem Vorrat an Möglichkeiten – bewust oder unbewust. Keiner von uns geht durch die Welt und hat ständig das volle Spektrum seiner Handlungsmöglichkeiten zugreifbar, sondern er hat immer schon eine Vorauswahl getroffen – er hat einen Handlungsvorrat der meist deutlich kleiner ist als alle seine zu einem Zeitpunkt tatsächlich verfüfüngbaren Handlungsmöglichkeiten.

Den Rahmen, also die „Auswahl an Auswahl“, werden von jedem seiner zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt vordergründigen und auch hintergründigen Gedanken bestimmt. Mit Gedanken meine ich hier nicht nur Sätze, die wir im Bewusten oder Unbewußten repitieren. Mit Gedanken meine ich hier die Wahrnehmung unserer Selbst und unserer Umwelt zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt. Dazu mögen gesprochene Sätze in userem Kopf dazugehören, aber sie machen bei weitem nicht unsere Wahrnehmung eines Moments aus! Ich mein aber auch eben nicht unsere komplette Möglichkeit der Wahrnehmung, also unser „Modell“ der Welt. Jemand kann klassische Musik verstehen, hören und Spielen. Derselbe Mensch kann auch Rockmusik verstehen, hören und Spielen. Genau der selbse Mensch kann gerne Eiscreme essen. Wieder derselbe Mensch kann gut Tennis Spielen. Würde dieser Mensch auf einen Platz treten, wo in seinem Sichtfeld Aggasi, Mozart, Jimy Handrix und der Eismann ihm zuwinken, wird er mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit mindestens einen übersehen und mindestens bei einem in diesem Moment nicht wissen, wie er zu handeln hat. Der Grund sind eben seine Vordergründigen und Hintergründigen Wahrnehmungen, seine aktuelle Beziehung zu sich und zu SEINER Welt!