25 August 2006

8. the options of options

This is the English translation of “die auswahl an auswahl” posted at 18. August 2006 on this blog.

If we do something it will have effect. If we thinking about something it will have a effect too. An interesting question is, if it is possible to reverse the effect, if it is possible to make the effect undone. I think it is neither reversible nor possible to make it undone. If our doing take effect, it is impossible to reverse it. If we think something, we can’t make it “un-thought”. Which consequence would this have to us?

The consequence of the that we can not reverse our thoughts is the fact, that the options to apply and do things, which depends on our thought and are the partial results of our thoughts are not reversible too! The things that are on my mind define the options of my acting, of my ability to take effect. Among other things our thoughts and the things in our mind set the frame of seeing my possibilities to act and take effect if I want to act. Further our thoughts and the things on mind imitate our doing, our actions and effects, so they are the cause of our doing in conscious and unconscious ways. For example, if I think that my girlfriend cheat me, maybe I have the idea to take her handy to check, if there is any number I don’t know and that could be from her potential lover. Other example: If I think, that on the a party tonight there is chance to meet a old good friend that I’ve not seen for a long time, the party tonight becomes an option, even though I was far away from going to this party until I heard that my old friend comes to that party too. Thus our mind and our thoughts take impact and effect on the options of actions we can do next. Further these options of actions cause mostly our next action! So nobody life in this world and has the full amount of his personal options of actions and his whole potential in every moment on his mind and in his awareness. We use in every moment a small set of our options and the boundaries of this set are construct by our thoughts and our mindset at this moment.

The Frame, so the “options of options to act”, are ruled by our conscious and unconscious thoughts. If I talk about thoughts I don’t mean “speaking in mind”, I define “thoughts” as the way we are aware about our self and our environment in a special moment. Repeating sentences in our mind are maybe part of this awareness but the self-awareness and awareness of our environment in a special moment is much bigger than sentences in our mind. Though I don’t mean if I talk about thoughts our complete and full potential to be aware of our self and our environment – thoughts in a special moment don’t represent our complete “model” of the world. Here an example: Imagine someone is talented in hearing and playing classic music. The same person loves, understands and plays rock music too. This person loves ice cream and plays very good tennis. Imagine this person comes one day on the tennis-court and in his range of vision there stands Aggasi, Mozart, Jimy Handrix and the iceman. You can be sure and assume that this person at least don’t see minimum one of this persons of his interest and he won’t know how to act and take effect with minimum one of these persons. Even the cause of this is, that the person I describe above has conscious and unconscious thoughts that rules his perception, his relations and effects to himself and his world.

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